Phase 1 construction is now underway.
Pyramid Highway will be constructed as a high access arterial and will be widened from four to six lanes from Queen Way to Los Altos Parkway. Improvements will include three travel lanes in each direction, bike lanes, curb and gutter, wide median, shoulder improvements and a barrier protected 10-foot shared use path on the east side of the road (Queen Way to Los Altos Parkway). Between Los Altos Parkway and Golden View Drive, four travel lanes will be maintained in addition to the other improvements mentioned above. Sound/screen walls will be installed in some locations and a protected sidewalk placed on the west side of the road.
Other project features include:
Roadway beautification through landscaping and aesthetics
Installing smart traffic signals that adapt traffic light controls based on information collected from sensors, edge devices, and video systems
Enhanced drainage infrastructure to help prevent roadway flooding

Project Background

Improvements being made to Pyramid Highway emerged from the RTC's Pyramid Highway/U.S. 395 Connection Study that began in 2008.
The need for the Pyramid Highway/U.S. 395 Connection Study is based on information developed for the Pyramid Highway Corridor Management Plan (CMP), from October 2001. The purpose of the project is to achieve the transportation objectives identified in the CMP by addressing the following transportation issues:
Address existing congestion problems on Pyramid Highway
Service existing and forecasted population growth
Address existing travel inefficiencies
Address safety problems on Pyramid Highway
Address existing and future access needs
Be responsive to regional and local plans
On December 7, 2018, the Pyramid Highway/U.S. 395 Connection Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) was approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).​
Download important documents and learn more about the project's background by visiting the Pyramid Highway/U.S. 395 Project page on RTC's website.
Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 Connection